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India conference 2023

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40 Years in the Ministry


Bishop Oriel Bryan

40 Years in the Ministry

Oriel Bryan the Second oldest of six siblings was born in Birmingham England to the late Bishop And Mother Bryan.He was also blessed as a baby by the late Bishop Sydney Dunn. At the age of nine he migrated to Canada on April 19th 1966. On the Queen Elizabeth ship they spent nine days on the ocean with his mother and six siblings. He got baptized at the age of 16 but never truly felt the calling of God. Until one day at the age of 18 in a Night club, he received a strong conviction from the Lord that change his life forever.

Soon after that he was filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. He played a very active role in his father’s church as group leader for the young people department. Later on he became the president of the young people department and built it from 15 to 80 young people on fire for God. He was also very active in High school and was also the athlete of the year. He was also the valedictorian at his graduation. He also had big dreams that one day he could make it to the NBA, however he made the All-Star team in Toronto in basketball and he also made the junior Olympic team in basketball for Canada. Bad luck happed one dreadful day in York university where he cracked his ankle and that was the end of his career in basketball. However, God had other plans for him.

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Dr. Michael Chidubem

Social Media and Creative Director

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Kingsley Chukwuma

Software Developer

What we do




Humanitarian the heartbeat of Christ, Matthew 25:35-40 As I travel around the world I have seen too many suffering Too many hurting and hungry people, especially the children Too many people in poverty.


Empowering ministers


We believe in equipping ministers with biblical and academic knowledge to enable them to represent Christ substantially and excel in their various ministries and calling on earth.


Soul Winning Outreaches


Soul winning is our priority. What shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?We are committed to winning souls for Jesus. And we do this by taking the gospel to the poor and the rich through evangelism and programs.

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