Office Hour

Mon - Fri, 8:00 - 9:00

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Pastor Lowell U. Collins

Jude Orovwigho got born again on March 19th, 1979 in an open-air gospel campaign. Immediately, he started witnessing his faith in Christ Jesus. As a school teacher, many children were led to the Lord and today some of them are pastors and church workers. He answered the call to full-time ministry in 1981. He got his Diploma in Theology in 1982 and was ordained a pastor in 1983. Got married to his beautiful wife Pastor Mrs. Elizabeth Orovwigho on December 17th, 1983. Consecrated a Bishop in 2014 at the Ecumenical Center in Abuja, Nigeria. The Word Of Life Seminary, Renoake.VA U.S of A awarded him a Doctorate degree in Theology in 2016 during their graduation ceremony. He is blessed with four(4) biological children and many spiritual children who love the Lord.

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