Office Hour

Mon - Fri, 8:00 - 9:00

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Welcome to The New Birth Organization


The most important objective of New Birth Church of Christ International is winning souls and more souls for the Kingdom of heaven, to support and strengthen every pastor and the members of their congregations. Also to bring about a strong unification in the Body of Christ, to help the individual churches with Humanitarian needs within their villages , cities and countries. To also help provide Spiritual guidance and professional counselling to every Pastor and ministers of the body of Christ. To encourage, educate an empower the men and women of tomorrow, and to help every church with investments and Insurance, and for government and parliamentary procedure and issues. And if the needs arise to help with financial support.


In 1985 something extraordinary happened to me, I had an out body experience where my spirit left my body. From that experience the Lord spoke to me to unite all the Pastors together, which for a young Minister at the age of 27 was a big task because in those days the older Pastors and Bishops would not listen to you as a young minister. And so they put together a fellowship organization called the Union of Ministries, which I was not allowed to play any role in this Union of Ministries because they said I was just a young Minister and I was not a Pastor or a Bishop yet. Sad to say this union of ministers lasted only two years and then it fell apart but the vision of bringing God’s people together has never left me. So now in the year 2020 the vision came to me again, this time I was wiser and not just a Minister but now a Bishop. By this time I was also preaching around the world and many Pastor’s wanted to do fellowship with me. At first it started out to be a fellowship, then I notice many Pastors in India and in Africa were not properly licensed, so in order to license them properly we needed to create an organization. We wanted to launch this organization called (New Birth Church of Christ International) in 2021, but we had a major set back because of the pandemic Covid 19. So now we are about to launch this great organization officially in the month of August 2022, in Toronto Canada with over 400 churches.